YCBS is 3 years old

The radio network of YCBS becomes bigger and bigger. During our music fiest for the 3rd anniversary of the international youth radio YCBS-Youth Connected By Sounds in Berlin guests from Berlin and Tunis attended our party and they have given interviews and told about their experiences with YCBS.

Listen to the contributions by Gabriele Kielmann, Sofiane Yaiche, Elena Arbter and Ibrahim El-Aklha. Gabriele Kielmann is a professor of German language at Goethe-Institut Berlin, her students attended a radio workshop at YCBS. Elena produced a radio feature for YCBS. Ibrahim and Sofiane took part in the international radio projects by YCBS.

Interviews with Sofiane, Gabrielle, Ibrahim and Elena in German, English and French

Sofiane comes originally from Tunisia and studies Medicine at the University in Munich and he contributed the tri-national radio project „Micro Music Radio“ by YCBS and the Goethe Institute Paris, Elena Arbter is a student of Cultual science at the Europe University Viadrina and she has produced a radio feature for YCBS. Ibrahim El-Akhla is a student from Berlin, he attends the 10th grade at the Herbert-Hoover-School and participates at the radio workshops of YCBS.

Movie about the celebration on Media Bridges:

Interviews by Marco Selva and Francesca Coluccio