The today’s term Elbe (in Czech Labe, Polish Laba) stems from the German word Albi (also Albis or Albia). The root of the word albh- is of Indo-European origin from which the Latin word Albus white and the Greek alphos whitish derive. Around 10th century due to the sound shift the word transformed into the currently used term – Elbe. Also the Czech Labe comprises the Indo European root.
The Elbe rises in the Czech Krkonose Mountains and flows into the Nord Sea. The river runs through Czech Republic and Germany connecting two cultures. Youth-4-Elbe is a project in which German and Czech youngsters take part. They are pupils from Berlin, Brandenburg, Prague, Decin and other cities that have interest in ecological topics, encountering different cultures and working on radio projects. Preservation of Elba, in which you can nowadays still take a bath, from pollution is an important goal of our project.
Acts of cultural diplomacy between the schools on the Elbe both in Czech Republic and Germany matter to us, Ines Wittig from the Deutsche Umwelthilfe (German environmental aid association) said during an interview for Radio Prague.
Listen to the broadcast about the Youth-4-Elbe project. This year, the Czech and German partners met in Hamburg.
(German version)