by Massimiliano Andreetta

Many changes in the last few decades allow to the young people to try many different experiences that appear surprising for their parents.
The new generation is called to be ready for a different world, where mentality needs to be accorded to it. There is no way for who thinks to spent his whole life without interactions with different people, cultures or religions.

The European Union is going straight to this direction implementing various and empowered integration programs, since 1987.

The newest and strongest one is now called “Erasmus+” and is the new program combining all the EU’s current schemes for education, training, youth and sport, which was started in January 2014.

Erasmus program dues its name to the Dutch philosopher Erasmus of Rotterdam who lived and worked in many places in Europe to expand his knowledge and gain new insights. At the same time, ERASMUS is a backronym meaning EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students

Almost 3 millions and a half people experienced the exchange program around Europe between 1987 and 2013. Starting from 2014, the European Union allocates 15 billions Euros (40% more) to give the same chance to more of 4 millions people, under 35, who are going abroad for studying, working, doing sports, training and being volunteers. This program involves students, workers and teacher as well, and exchange agreements will cover the whole world, not only Europe anymore.

We are going towards a new education system, an “education in movement”. Ready to spend our life in more than one country and to change our lifestyle or work position all life long.

Only the time will let us know if the finance allows it, or imposes it.

“No Borders generation” represents a cross section of the new generation who is facing the third millennium, in which the globalization changes customs and traditions.
The “No Borders generation” flies from London to Rome spending less than a regional train ticket cost, speaks two or three languages and meet everyday people of colors and origins that cross throughout the five continents.

We are soon going to hear some students on YCBS (, who have decided to make capital of this outstanding opportunity, coming from different backgrounds to enjoy Europe.

Who are these students?
Cameron is an American-Swiss guy, 24 years-old, from Philadelphia, who has decide to attend his master in Romance Literature at Freie Universität, in Berlin. Staying in Europe allows him to speak daily in multiple language.He has a strong passion for culture and when he is not taking university classes he loves visiting museums and writing poems that he uses to play in his bedroom in his free time.

Chù is a 21 years-old Chinese girl who came to Europe, in Italy, to study Public Relations in Gorizia and to learn Italian language, discovering a new way of living, where you can talk about politics and Facebook is not censored. She is making efforts to pass all her university exams and she is trying to create a supporting group for all the Chinese p

Franco is 28 years-old, graduated in International and Diplomacy in Italy. He spent some months in the US and has always wished to spend some time in Britain too. Last year he moved to London as „au pair“, taking care of a spoiled 9 year-old child and waiting for starting his Master In cambridge when, suddenly, Portugal called him.
Tea is 26 years-old and her dream was to become a journalist. She moved from Tblisi, in Georgia,to Italy to attend her Bachelor and there, after a difficult first period, discovered a new world, with different traditions and customs. When she was in Gorizia she collaborated with the police as an interpreter, so that she faced so many different stories!

No borders Generation – erasmus + program