Que bonita és Barcelona

Qué bonita es Barcelona, 

qué bonito es el color

en su cielo tan azul

en invierno y en verano.

Este es una canción que trata sobre Barcelona, su nombre es “Que bonita 

 es Barcelona” y su autor es Manuel Moreno.

Hello my name is Gemma, I’m 18 years old and I’m from Barcelona. In my free time I use to play basketball, in general I love all the sports but this one it’s my favorite. I also love travelling, know new cultures, new people, and the most important thing win new experiences.

As a Barcelona girl, I would like to share with you some things that I find interesting to see and to do in Barcelona. If you want to see Barcelona from another point of view, I recommend you to go to Bunkers in the neighborhood of Carmel, and for sure you will enjoy the views, because it isn´t a famous place so normally there´s nobody, so you can take it with calm.

Another very interesting thing to do if you love the theater, and you know Spanish , I highly recommend going to see a show called Improshow where all the plays are improvised at the time and it’s really amazing how they do, besides the public interacts with actors throughout the play , which makes it impossible to get bored. The theater where you can go see this show called Teatre Neu and is located in the district of Gracia. Another place where you can enjoy the theater for a low price is L‘ Antic Teatre theoretically is a bar, but once a week they make plays. It is also very comfortable because it is in a courtyard surrounded by plants and flowers.

Track Rockefeller, which is based on profit and the money will be heard. In the song, the author criticizes the society that still and know that there is corruption, the blind eye, and opt for silence.

Authors: Daniel Amat (alias OG Daw), Guillermo Ólondriz (alias Elhixir Aka Willdatrep), Oriol Valero (alias Dollar Valer), Pol Férnandez (alias North Paul) and Pau Ureña (alias Gucci Pow). 

If you wat to listen mre songs, you can visit this link: https://soundcloud.com/elhixirbeats