„No borders generation“ wants to tell stories about people who are living with different languages and cultures. Nicolo, Max and Ezio are from Italy. Nicolo is half Slovenian and half Italian, he is growing up in the border city of Gorizia-Nova Gorica, which were divided during the World War II in two parts: One part of the city belongs to Slovenia, the other to Italy. Max comes from Udine, also a multilingual city, near the border of Slovenia and Austria. Max is the author of the radio features „No borders generation“.

His radio feature is expressing Max‘ wish to live without stereotypes and division by languages, national symbols and political interest. Therefore he studies Diplomacy in the city of Gorizia, where he met Nicolo, who became his friend.

Ezio Benedetti is a professor of International Public Law at the Gorizia Campus. He is Max‘ professor and is responsible for European student exchange programme, involving young people from Kosovo and Serbia.  From his point of view exactly those programs are supporting the young generation of the west balkans to overcome the ethnic segregation and the cultural clashes in the region.

Author Massimiliano Andreetta

Editor Mila Zaharieva-Schmolke

Gorizia Campus Website: http://www.pug.units.it/sid/sid.htm

YCS project: Http://www.ycskosovo.eu
