Protests against the ruling elites
People in Bulgaria have been demonstrating these days, Their protet became stronger on the eve of the elections for a new European parliament. The Bulgarian people hope to change the political picture in their country on behalf of these elections. The 350 days protest against corruption and abuse of power started once again, in fact, Bulgarians never stopped fighting for a political change.

The Students group of the Free University in Berlin has been researching the protest process and working on a radio feature, which represents their view of the p
olitics, protests movement and Bulgarian society. On YCBS we will also listen to the radio feature about the protest by the Bulgarian students, who participated in the protests and are in the same time authors of their radio feature!
Listen to the interviews made with the politologist Ognian Mincheva and one of the protests participant Mrs. Kovacheva.

„What is the motivation behind this endeavour? Who are the main actors on the street? What is the outcome of their efforts? We are Magdalena, Clemens, Petya and Philipp, four students of East European Studies at the FU, who are looking for the answers to these demanding questions within a university project on the topic of civil disobedience in Eastern Europe. Stay tuned to get the answers yourselves!“
The project „Bewegung durch Kunst“ on facebook:
Authors Petya, Magdalena, Philipp and Clemens, four students of East European Studies at the F.U.Berlin
Editor Mila Zaharieva-Schmolke