Some time ago, everything started in the „Benkovski“ street, a small steet in the center of Sofia. It smelled like linden- tree blossoms and was filled with the sounds of music. Some time ago, before the digital revolution, there was no internet and no television. But regardless, every Sunday you could hear the sounds of two accordions and a violin coming out of an open window. The music trio was later joined by four more musicians. The music was based on the arrangement of the violin-player, who was my grandfather, and the music group recorded their album onto a Christmas songs cassette. The television era had begun. This is a story told by Valentin Lazarov, main creator of the music project „Then and now“

The Christmas music was played every day of every month from the cassette and it could be heard coming out of windows in the „Benkovski“ street. Today, the accordion players and violin players have been joined by four more musicians. This was the era of the internet. The musicians in Bulgaria, Israel and the Czech Republic use the internet to communicate with one another. They recorded their music on a CD but still the best version of the song could be heard on the old stereo and in the „Benkovski“ street.

Moderation by Hannah Sobocinski
Author Mila Zaharieva-Schmolke