German-English-French program on 88vier

The situation of the Roma minorities is extremely difficult throughout Europe. The Roma people are one of the most disadvantaged minorities in Europe – regularly targeted by the right wing parties and hate groups live on the margins of society. Yet, they are European citizens. It is important to note that many Europeans struggle with unemployment, lack of perspectives and poverty which are especially common in the new EU member states and in Southern Europe.

Countries like Romania and Bulgaria do not belong to the EU, is what TV moderator Michele Friedmann said. Look at how Romania treat their Roma minorities. Their living situation is bad in the whole of Europe. But how does it look in Bucharest? In Bucharest you can see that the people of Romania are fighting to keep themselves over water daily and social and political discrimination are normal. Speaking with 25 year old Natalie from Bucharest it quickly becomes clear that even with a University diploma it is extremly hard to find descent job in Romania. Natalie does the accounting for big international buisnesses. She does not like her job, because she says, it leads to nothing. While Busness men use helicopters to travel from A to B, the rest of the Romanian people hardly have enogh money to live. Natalie sees no future in her country so she is planning to move to Spain to do a job in a social field.

The magazine FANZINE on Minorities in Bucharest with articles by the German-French Youngsters.

Un groupe d´adolécents de Berlin a fait le voyage en roumanie pour pouvoir apprendre plus sur ler conditions de vie de la minorité rom et  de la société roumaine.

Les droits de l´homme et égalité devans la loi de cette minorité était la raison pour rencontrer et faire des interviews avec des politiciens, journalistes, militant des droits humain et aussi des avocats. Le projet a éter organiser par une ONG de Névère, près de Paris. La chef du projet Nadia Rahbi a rassembler les adolécents. Le groupe de Berlin est composer de participants de YCBS qui reflétent leurs discussions et impressions dans des textes, enrégistrements et commentaires auto- écrites.

L´émission d´aujourdhui est diffuser en trois langues.
Au studio avec moi sont Kacie, Sascha, Lucas, Sol, et Naval qui vont modérer le programme d´aujourdhui.
Kacie a parler avec Natalie: une jeune militante d´amnesty International, qui raconte qu´aujourdhui l´épanouissement professionel et la réussite financière n´ont pas beaucoup avoir avec l´éducation. Elle trouve que les professions sociales devraient étres mieux payes.

Project management by FOL de la Nièvre and Nadia Rabhi

Partner from Bukarest Radio Romania Cultural

Moderation German by Nawal Mrouhe, Sascha Salzmann, Zemzem Aslan und Kacie Kappelmayer

Moderation French and English by Sol Hüttich and Lucas Gefeke

Street Interviews Bucharest by Sascha Salzmann and Alexander Schmolke

Music by Deniz Malik, Rebekka and Yildiz Ibrahimova

Pictures by Kacie Kappelmayer, Sol Hüttich, Ensar Akasak

Editor Mila Zaharieva-Schmolke

Many thanks to the journalist at Radio Romania Cultural, Mrs. Ligia Necula
