All2gether jam goes international

“Immigration is living, Immigration is arriving

Integration is the right combination, in the World of different situation”.

That is a short piece of a song produced in the rap-workshop by Tunc, a German-Turkish rapper and one of the work-shop leaders.

70 youngsters from Germany, Romania, Spain, UK, Poland, Italy, Turkey, Finland and Estonia, discussed 10 days long in Kassel about one topic Immigration.

Immigration was the topic of the big international exchange that took place in Kassel, a nice city located in the center of Germany by the River Fulda, famous for the Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe and its Hercules monument.

Kassel has a consolidated migration background, it is common in the city to see people with different cultural backgrounds, with different skin colors and hear different languages, and this what makes the city so special.

The international guests were busy with 3 different work-shops, singing, theater and dance. All this arts combined created a beautiful final show, the youngster showed to the local population what they learned in these ten days.

Author Anna Stopazzolo

Pictures   Anna Stopazzolo

Sound  Kseniya Manchak

Editor Mila Zaharieva-Schmolke

The singers of the rap song are

Zvinca Ostapyuk Italy

Asil Koç Turkey

Jonathan Darc Knight Tunechi England

Jonas Schaeling Germany

Tim Taylor Germany

Veysi Ozdemir Turkey

Progetto Giovani Padova: