My own company

Berlin is a city of courageous and creative people who are eager to transform their ideas and concepts into a company. They come from all over the world – Berlin is a place where they find the potential and freedom to give life to their projects. They want to offer innovative products and services that have not been yet introduced to the market.

On the other hand, the motivation behind launching a company might be a difficult access to the job market in Germany. According to the report on entrepreneurship and migrants from non-EU countries, the number of company owners of migrant background is higher than the German ones.

In the fall, one can find many introductory courses about business or start-ups. Today we will talk to the participants of such business lessons and ask about their impressions.

The program for founder „Zukunft planen-chancen sehen“ in Berlin

Moderated in Engish, German and Turkish by Joanna, Melis, Kacie, Betül, Sascha, Sol and Mevlane

Editor Mila Zaharieva-Schmolke