The Violin Knud is an introverted young man who spends his days in front of his computer playing or watching video games. One day, by chance, he discovers the magical world of the violin and...
Faux espoir – False hope This is a story about a young girl who escaped home after being terrorized (and probably harraced) by her father who thinks she is à “parasite” and does not deserve...
Radio drama from Chicago „The Pont de I`Europe“ Paris, at the end of the 19th century.A sad man looks over the railing of the Pont de l’Europe, from where his brother committed suicide some time...
La Nuit Étoilée (Starry Night) Scene 1:In this scene, the detective and her assistant are called to inspect the paintings of the museum to make sure they were real. The detective explains to her assistant...
L’envolTaking flight Taking Flight tells the tragic story of the village of Maconda, that, for the longest time was a prosperous village. In recent times however, the once great place has lost all its male...
In 1812, a Native American, Falcon of the Prairies, makes a journey in time and finds himself in 2017. He shares his story with Black Hawk and Keokuk.Falcon of the Prairies is a curious man...
This is a story about a boy who can read minds. He used to be afraid of these voices, but now he loves walking through Paris streets while listening to all these different stories, even...
Nighthawks Written by Sophie Jensen Inspired by Edward Hopper painting, the play tells the story of four characters dissatisfied with their lives sharing by chance the counter of the same bar. One of them will...
Flow of the languages on YCBS and 88vier, Part 2 We invited students from Viadrina University in our life program on Alex 88.vier, who represented their radio features about international life and culture, mainly in...
Flow of the languages on YCBS and on 88vier The program from YCBS-Youth Connected by Sounds Radio on Alex titled The Flow of the languages on YCBS is about languages, cultures, photography and music. Our guests...