Les Enfants Retrouvees is a mini-fictional play where a group of children grow up in the Hull House, a historically known house of the early 1900’s, where immigrant children and women were taught survival skills for the future. The play takes place in Chicago and it starts out with a French family migrating to America, traveling from first New York to Chicago. In the play, a young girl loses her parents and is found by Jane Addams, the founder of the Hull House, and her Secretary.

In consequence, she makes new friends. What becomes shocking is the true identity of the young girl’s parents. The young girl meets talented young children and together they form a type of private crew. Unfortunately, she never recovers the location of her parents and she instead grows up in the Hull House with her children her age. After the scene of the play ends, one can simply imagine themselves the life in store for the young girl as she continues to grow up and is taught, the rest of her childhood years, how to work in a factory.

Jane Adams Hull-House Museum

Authors Myriam Driss, Louise Caffrey and  Diana Rapolti

Actors Louise Caffrey, Annabelle Burgstahler, Myriam Driss, Damien Lutrin, Sabine André, Princess Lett, Paul Blume and Théo Calvez

Ideaby André Iliev

Music by Christo Iliev