Flow of the languages on YCBS and 88vier, Part 2

We invited students from Viadrina University in our life program on Alex 88.vier, who represented their radio features about international life and culture, mainly in Berlin. They have learned how to produce radio features during their practical seminar on Media and Radio Production.

Here you could hear the interviews with the students, where they described their work on their radio stories  and how different cultures and foreign languages crosses thier daily life.

There are five radio features from which you could learn more about critical mass in Berlin, intercultural trainings, to feel the multicultural life through foreigners‘ sleeves and to get to know how actually international life in Viadrina University goes on.

Part 1 (German-English)

Part 2 (German-English)

Part 3 (German-English)

Part 4 (German-English)

Authors of the radio features Linda Richter, Hendrike Schoof, Inga Wolf, Jennifer Stahl, Laila Linke, Mohammad Sayyad and Alexandra Brechel

Moderation by Kseniya Manchak and Tobias Düsterdick

Editor Mila Zaharieva-Schmolke

Pictures by Ulli Grünning

„Fluss der Sprachen“