Vivre ensemble avec nos différences 

Living together with our differences

The Carolus-Magnus-Gymnasium located in Übach-Palenberg near Aachen is characterized with cultural diversity of the pupils and teacher.  On the occasion of a radio competition the 8th and 9th grade students conducted interviews with their classmates so as to learn more about their family background and personal stories.

In order to complement their material with some expertise, the young journalists addressed a few questions to Wilfried N’Sondé – a well-known author, who once held a reading at the Carolus-Magnus-Gymnasium and presented excerpts from his book „Septembre d’Or“. During the interview they learnt about the challenges, obstacles and possibilities of various border-crossers.  A plenty of interesting interviews resulted in drawing such a conclusion: Living together of different cultures does not pose any problem for the pupils of the Carolus-Magnus-Gymnasium.

Joel, Sami, Norbert, Jules S., Loïse, Fanny, Marjana und Linda are pupils in the 10th grade and learn at the Lycée Honoré Damier in Marseille which is one of the most multicultural city in France. The students produced a radio show, recording opinions of people from different cultures. They also won a prize for the best radio production in the course of the Franco-German Radio Competition.

Listen to them and to the statements concerning integration, multiculturalism and prejudices!

Listen to the interviews in French that were not only conducted but also produced by the involved pupils. They talked to people from Philippines, USA, Poland, Canada, France, Australia and Greece who live in Donauwörth.
