La Nuit Étoilée (Starry Night)

Scene 1:
In this scene, the detective and her assistant are called to inspect the paintings of the museum to make sure they were real. The detective explains to her assistant how they should go about reviewing their legitimacy.


They start to look at the paintings and the detective discovers one that she believes is fake.

Scene 2
The detective calls in a person who specializes in looking over paintings. The specialist looks over the painting and comes to the conclusion that the painting had been painted over with a special technique that thieves use. After an hour the specialist comes to the conclusion that the painting is truly Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh.

Scene 3

The detective and her assistant go to the manager of the museum and they tell her what has happened. They ask the manager who the painting belongs to, she replies by telling them it belongs to a rich family by the last name of Rochardiere, so they write the owner of the piece a letter.

Scene 4
Three days later Mr. Rochardiere visits them at the police station. Mr. Rochardiere explains to them that this painting is part of his family’s  collection and that indeed they did steal the painting to put it in their collection. He proceeds to explain that he is aware that he and his family can go to jail for what he is revealing, but that he knows that the police is corrupt and he can buy them off with money, even a small amount.

Scene 5
The detective and her assistant go to the police chief to tell him about Mr. Rochardiere. The chief says that indeed he received a large sum of money that morning to pay him off. They all go to Mr. Rochardiers house. Mr. Rochardiere proceeds to blackmail the police chief, but this does not affect him.

Inspectrice DuPond : Sara Cattenoy
Assistante : Ines Cattenoy
Les narratrices : Eleonore Vuillemin et Jane Miller
M. De La Rochardiere : Knud Andersen
La responsable du musee :  Lucie Sokoloff
Le spécialiste des tableaux : Maxime Bonamy
Commissaire : Romeo Pena